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Circles are useful
Understanding Inside Out
Perception is the process by which sensory stimulation is organised into usable experience. When we are born we are conscious only of ourselves, we are the universe. We perceive little other than our basic needs, and if these needs are met we are content. As our consciousness expands we become aware of a world outside ourselves. We discover that there are people, places and things around us, and that they fulfil our needs. At this point we also begin to recognise differences and develop personal preferences and unique hierarchies. We learn to want and choose. So what influences choice?
Researchers have had only limited success in breaking down perception into analysable units; and scientifically verifiable findings are difficult to obtain or repeat, since the study of perception depends mostly on subjective and introspective reports.

Navigation through Latitude & Longitude Information Spheres
By using the human skull as an example; we realise that everything we value and the introspective hierarchies or tendencies of thought we personally construct are conducted within the 'brainspace' or bounding perimeter of the skull. If we now represent the 'brainspace' and its relationship, awareness and understanding of external influences as being circular or possessing qualities that identify spheres, globes, balls or circles then a universal language of ten 'need' icons based on that understanding will help cue aquired associations to aid internal decision making and therefore processing (or 'choosing') becomes easier. It is all about accessing and storing data, whether it is a thought in your head or physical projection of that thought.
Everything that we are and makes us function individually goes on inside our own heads yet we know, learn and are influenced from the environment outside the skull.

Screen Synthesis
A screen should reflect the 'brainspace' or be a reflection of it at least.

Everywhere you look, in nature, in science or in human innovation the circle, sphere, globe or ball is omniponent to our existence. But not in the four cornered screen itself; neither TV, Monitor or LCD.

Useful & Usable Circles
Planets and Stars
The Wheel
Analogue Clock
Cups, Saucers, Glasses


  What is Telepress?
Circles are so useful
Red, Green, Yellow & Blue
Universal Navigation
Personal Publishing

Abraham Maslow
Ten basic human needs
01 Mind and Body
02 Nourishment
03 Environment
04 Protection
05 Communication
06 Direction
07 Contact
08 Transactions
09 Identity
10 Promotion
Why do we need signs?
Neurolinguistic programming
Staying in the womb

The village square
The four corners of the world
Traffic Lights
TV remote control
Apple Computers
Sony Playstation

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The future of Telepress

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The future of Telepress
  © 1994 - 2009 Victor J Kennedy. All rights reserved.
'Telepress' is born of the the word Telepresence, which means; To be somewhere else: To be 'Virtually' Distant: to have telesthesia.
Tele: [Greek têle-, from têle, far off.] Press: Being everywhere, ubiquitousness, omnipresence. [Personal publishing]