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Personal Publishing
Right now, this "show" you are reading is 'Personal Publishing' and it is the future, mark my words. Forget reality TV this is TV reality and you are watching hypomanic.tv
If you need to justify your existence then put it to judgement and let the world beware. The thing is, you'll have to try harder, be more creative because now Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have provided the tools, more of us are filling the stage than the seats in the audience.

Bowling for Columbine
I do not condone what Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did by taking other peoples lives, yet it is a proven winner for publicity. To make sure alot of people know your name.
The boys knew that once they staged their final act, following endless Television references to Lee Harvey Oswald (and the rest), the audience would be desperate for meaning.
This was about celebrity as much as cruelty. “They wanted to be famous,” concludes FBI agent Mark Holstlaw. “And they are. They’re infamous.”
It used to be said that living well is the best revenge; for these two, it was to kill and die in spectacular fashion.
They wanted movies made of their story, which they had carefully laced with “a lot of foreshadowing and dramatic irony,” as Harris put it. “Directors will be fighting over this story,” Klebold said - the boys chewed over which could be trusted with the script: Steven Spielberg or Quentin Tarantino.
  What is Telepress?
Circles are so useful
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Universal Navigation
Personal Publishing

Abraham Maslow
Ten basic human needs
01 Mind and Body
02 Nourishment
03 Environment
04 Protection
05 Communication
06 Direction
07 Contact
08 Transactions
09 Identity
10 Promotion
Why do we need signs?
Neurolinguistic programming
Staying in the womb

The village square
The four corners of the world
Traffic Lights
TV remote control
Apple Computers
Sony Playstation

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The future of Telepress
  © 1994 - 2009 Victor J Kennedy. All rights reserved.
'Telepress' is born of the the word Telepresence, which means; To be somewhere else: To be 'Virtually' Distant: to have telesthesia.
Tele: [Greek têle-, from têle, far off.] Press: Being everywhere, ubiquitousness, omnipresence. [Personal publishing]