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Sony Playstation - Button Symbols System
Sony is a Japanese company and the development of the Playstation controller takes reference to Japanese authoring marks using four geometric shapes; circle, triangle, square and cross which are common knowledge in Japan, the same way we in the west are familiar with the meaning of 'tick' for correct and 'cross' meaning incorrect.

The following key explains the design philosphy of the Playstation button symbols:

Cross (batsu) = "no good"

Triangle (sankaku) = "weak" OR "average"

Circle (maru) = "good" OR "satisfactory"

Double circle (niju maru) = "excellent"

This explains why circle is always used to confirm in japanese games, and cross to cancel.

For a full explaination from the original author please visit www.japanesetranslator.co.uk
The DUALSHOCK 2 revolutionizes the way games are played.

The standard controller for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, the DUALSHOCK 2 analog controller allows you to accelerate, decelerate, and maneuver through a course with surgical precision or unlock even more fighting moves and secret weapons.

This controller is compatible with any game, including PlayStation® format software, that supports digital control, analog control, vibration function and/or pressure sensitive function, and on any system including the PlayStation game console and the PS one console; however, pressure-sensitive button features work only with the PlayStation 2 system.
  What is Telepress?
Circles are so useful
Red, Green, Yellow & Blue
Universal Navigation
Personal Publishing

Abraham Maslow
Ten basic human needs
01 Mind and Body
02 Nourishment
03 Environment
04 Protection
05 Communication
06 Direction
07 Contact
08 Transactions
09 Identity
10 Promotion
Why do we need signs?
Neurolinguistic programming
Staying in the womb

The village square
The four corners of the world
Traffic Lights
TV remote control
Apple Computers
Sony Playstation

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  © 1994 - 2009 Victor J Kennedy. All rights reserved.
'Telepress' is born of the the word Telepresence, which means; To be somewhere else: To be 'Virtually' Distant: to have telesthesia.
Tele: [Greek têle-, from têle, far off.] Press: Being everywhere, ubiquitousness, omnipresence. [Personal publishing]