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Traffic Lights
1 Interface
2 User types (Pedestrian & Vehicle)
2 Rules of engagement

• The traffic light is an informational interface for two sets of users, the driver and the pedestrian.
• Both the driver and the pedestrian wish to reach their destination. This means they must navigate through the area controlled by the lights.
• Traffic lights work by alternatively holding back one user and allowing the other user to have access to the road.
• The interface works by the use of three colours which stand for three commands; stop, prepare for next command and go.
• The important element of the traffic light is that the driver and pedetrian both attach different meanings to the colours on the interface.
• For the driver, seeing the red command means they must stop and the pedestrian can now cross. In essence, for the pedestrian, red means go.
• In the traffic light, we have an interface that can be used by two sets of users at the same time and still be effective, as long as users obey their set of rules.
• If the two sets of rules are mixed or swapped between user groups it will result in a stalemate or an accident.

Essentially this equation represents Telepress as the traffic light:
1 Telepress Interface
6 Billion User types
6 Billion Rules of engagement
Need-Oriented Filter
Following a methodology, you discover your user's needs and desires, then create a space that best suits their processes for solving a problem.
Within any problem lies a user, a rule and an action. To solve that problem create a stable and integrated structure by means of balancing all 3 equally.

The distance between desire and fulfillment is shortening

We’ve learnt to want and choose... A facilitator is paramount. What we need now is technology that lets humans take part fully within any community elect and in whichever way they choose to take part.
Ideally a way of utilizing existing communication technologies people already own, such as a telephone or television would benefit them alot more than spending [x] amount of time and money on a new computer system or language they don’t understand.

Simple, like a Traffic Light

Telepress will simplify aswell as help humans conduct their lives when navigating through all the growing, complex and interwoven threads of information and media available today.

Definition of Simple
Not compound
Consisting of few elements
All of one kind
Not complicated, elaborate, adorned or involved

Telepress should and will trace characteristics of existing modes of human phenomena/behaviour.
  What is Telepress?
Circles are so useful
Red, Green, Yellow & Blue
Universal Navigation
Personal Publishing

Abraham Maslow
Ten basic human needs
01 Mind and Body
02 Nourishment
03 Environment
04 Protection
05 Communication
06 Direction
07 Contact
08 Transactions
09 Identity
10 Promotion
Why do we need signs?
Neurolinguistic programming
Staying in the womb

The village square
The four corners of the world
Traffic Lights
TV remote control
Apple Computers
Sony Playstation

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The future of Telepress
  © 1994 - 2009 Victor J Kennedy. All rights reserved.
'Telepress' is born of the the word Telepresence, which means; To be somewhere else: To be 'Virtually' Distant: to have telesthesia.
Tele: [Greek têle-, from têle, far off.] Press: Being everywhere, ubiquitousness, omnipresence. [Personal publishing]