is Telepress? |
operating system?
A search engine?
A navigation device?
A network?
Telepress is all of these. |
is a universal categorisation system or set of protocols, like a highway
code, that aid and enhance navigation for any travelling human being.
Travelling, meaning; moving through an unfamiliar (or familiar) environment,
be it physical (or virtual) spaces that appear ordered (or disordered)
to the traveller. Telepress aims to help the traveller intuitively
find their way through information and acheive their current goal
or satisfy their immediate need with a more desired effect.
Telepress is similar to a Traffic Light, in the fact that it directs
many different kinds of travelling humans, with many different objectives
through a simple automated gateway that uses an established set of
rules (red, amber, green).
Telepress is unlike a Traffic Light, in the fact that it does not
queue users. Congestion does not exist because there is only ever
one-to-one dialogue between the system and the person using it. The
system can be exposed to multiple users (physical or virtual).
For instance, the Telepress system might improve and speed-up the
process of moving through a foreign airport or perhaps even an unfamiliar
city centre.
When this universally standardised system is used on-screen, the same
common understanding of organisation and discovery of the physical
world is applied. Then no matter which screen-based device Telepress
is used alongside the environment becomes instantly familiar and therefore
easy to use.
If Telepress were a product it would roll-out as part of a home entertainment
hardware package with a third party content provider or cable company.
The unique selling point would be the immediacy of fulfilling a need.
It would be a chooser for filtrating, then accessing existing screen
based content and services (including www) through your Television
set. Input and access purely by a simple remote control pointing device.
Telepress would be the first thing you see as you turn on your set.
It would be the interface between consumer and product/service.
Telepress is not a product. It is not open-source freeware. It is
what will happen. |